Bot Documentation
Basic Commands

Setup Command

The /setup command is designed to configure various settings for the bot, making it adaptable to the specific needs of your Discord server. This command is exclusive to users who possess the ADMINISTRATOR permission.


/setup <subcommand> <options>

Upon executing the command, the bot will present a series of options related to the chosen subcommand. You will then be able to configure the desired settings accordingly.


Quiz Setup

Description: The /setup quiz command is used to Enable or disable the quiz feature within the server.


/setup quiz <options>

Onboarding Setup

Description: Initiates the onboarding process for new members.


/setup onboarding

Admin Channel Setup

Description: Designates a specific channel as the admin channel for bot management and notifications.


/setup adminchannel --channel <channel_id>

Moderator Role Setup

Description: Assigns a Discord role as the moderator role, granting specific permissions related to bot usage.


/setup modrole --role <role_id>

Important Notes

  • The /setup command supports configuration for both men's and women's football players and competitions.
  • Certain subcommands might require additional permissions or specific roles to be set before they can be used effectively.